Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Navigation Lesson : logging on and personalizing your interface

1.      Apa itu SAP GUI
-All SAP components are, however, accessible using a general front- end program, the SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI). The SAP GUI is the standard program for accessing almost all SAP solutioms.
2.      Varian dari SAP GUI
-Variants of the SAP GUI are available: these variants are all graphically equivalent , but adapted for use in different enviroment.
3.      Bagaimana proses log on SAP?
-Create an entry in the SAP GUI logon screen based upon the information provided by the instructor.
a) Locate the SAP Logon program icon on your desktop
b) Choose User- Defined
c) Enter SAP Course in the Description field
d) Enter the Application Server: sapsrv
e) Enter the SAP Router String: <leave blank>
f) Enter the System ID: 12R
g) Enter the System Number: 00
h) Choose R/3 for the SAP System
i) Choose Add. The new logon entry appears in the list of SAP systems

4.      Sebutkan tiga informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan Log on SAP
-User, Password amd Client
5.      Dua cara melakukan log on
-Only be logged on once per SAP system, and should use multiple sessions if you want to view multiple windows
6.      Perintah bila melakukan multiple log on
-if the same user logs on more than once, then for each subsequent logon, the system displays a warning message that offers the user the following three option;
1.      Continue with this logon and end any other logons of this user in the system
2.      Continue with this logon without ending any other logons in the system (this is trecked)
3.      Terminate this logon
7.      Apakah bisa membuka lebih dari satu session dalam SAP? Caranya?
-you can create a new session at any time. This is especially helpful if you are in the middle of completing a transaction and you need to verify some inormation in order to complete the transaction. you can create several session, and each session is independent of the other. you will not lose any data in session that are already open. For example, closing the first session does not cause the other sessions to close.
8.      Apa pengaruh positif dan negatif dari membuka lebih dari satu session
-too many open session can result in slower system performance. For this reason, your system administrator may limit the number of sessions you can create. You can move among sessions as often as you like without losing any data
9.      Sebutkan lima cara untuk melakukan personalisasi user interface
a.       Change the layout of the SAP Easy Access screen
b.      Track your input history to provide input help
c.       Display status massages in pop-up window instead of the status bar
d.      Set preferences for how data displays
e.       Adjust the color and behavior of the scereens and field

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