Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Logistics - Lesson

1.           Jelaskan proses procurement dan bagaimana integrasinya terhadap SAP
Procurement is mySAP ERP covers not only traditional processes such as requistioning , purchase order management, and invoice verification , but also catalog-based self-service requistioning for maintenance. Repair, and operations (MRO) materials and services.
 This catalog integration is expanded to maintenance operations and project management.
2.           Beda antara procurement tradisional dan SAP ?
Procurement is mySAP ERP covers not only traditional processes such as requistioning , purchase order management, and invoice verification , but also catalog-based self-service requistioning for maintenance. Repair, and operations (MRO) materials and services.

3.           Jelaskan MRO (maintenance, repair dan operations)
catalog-based self-service requistioning for maintenance. Repair, and operations (MRO) materials and services.

4.           Bagaimana Procurement di SAP ERP meingkatkan proses procurement?
Procurement in mySAP ERP improves procurement processes by facilitating plan-driven and ad hoc purchasing, complete inventory management, and intelligent reporting on all procurement activities.
5.      Gambarkan proses procurement

6.         Jelaskan determination of requirement apakah bisa dibuat secara manual atau otomatis       oleh SAP !
You can enter purchase requisitions yourself or they can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system.

7.        Source determination
  mySAP ERP helps you identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements.

8.        Dapat dibuat dari informasi mana?
  This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to   vendors electronically via EDI, if desired.

9.        Apa itu  Request for Quotation (RFQ’s) ?
  the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors   electronically via EDI, if desired.

10.     Vendor selection and comparison of quotation
   The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing you to compare a number     of different quotations.

11.      Purchase order creation
   The purchase order adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you     create a purchase order.

12.      Darimana informasi didapatkan untuk membuat purchase order creation?
    As with purchase requisitions, you can generate purchase orders yourself or have the    system generate them automatically.

13.       Apakah SAP bisa mengeluaarkan sendiri PO?
    Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts (in the SAP system, types of long-term  purchase agreement) are also supported.

14.       Bagaimana dengan Vendor scheduling agreement dan contract?  
    Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts (in the SAP system, types of long-term  purchase agreement) are also supported

15.       Jelaskan purchase order follow up !
    The system checks the reminder periods you have specified and, if necessary,  automatically  prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals.

16.      Apa saja yang disediakan oleh SAP untuk PO Follow up ini ?
    The system also provides you with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders.

17.      Jelaskan good receiving and inventory management !
    Goods receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the   purchase order number.

18.       Bagaimana memberikan konfirm terhadap penerimaan barang ?
    By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and under-deliveries of ordered goods.

19.      Jelaskan invoice verification !
   The system supports the checking and matching of invoices.

20.      Bagaimana SAP melakukan verfikasi terhadap invoice?
    The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system   has access to purchase order and goods receipt data.

21.      Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Purchase Orders (PO) !
   A purchase order is a formal request to a vendor to supply certain goods or services under the stated conditions.

22.      Sebutkan empat sumber pembuatan PO !
    You can create purchase orders without reference, or with reference to a purchase   requisition, a request for quotation, or another purchase order

23.      Bagaimana mengantarkan PO kepada Supplier?
    When you enter the purchase order data, the system suggests default values. For example,   the system suggests the ordering address, as well as the terms of payment and freight  (incoterms) from the vendor master record. If you have maintained a material master for a  given material in the SAP system, the system suggests the material short text or the material
24.           Jelaskan self service procurement !
    Self-Service Procurement allows employees to create and manage their own requisitions.

25.           Jelaskan self service requisitioning !
    Self-Service Requisitioning means purchasing non-strategic goods, that is, goods not directly linked to the value chain (often called MRO: maintenance, repair, and operations items).

26.           Jelaskan inventory Management !
    The procurement process is concluded by the invoice verification process, during which invoices and credit memos are entered and the contents and prices are checked for accuracy. However, payment and evaluation of invoices is not part of invoice verification; the appropriate information for these tasks passes on to other departments. Invoice verification, therefore, creates a link between Procurement and Accounting.

27.           Jelaskan mafaat mempostingkan goods receipt to stoct with reference to PO
    The goods receiving point can check whether the delivery is the same as the purchase order data, that is, whether the goods that were ordered have been delivered.

28.       Jelaskan invoice verification
     The procurement process is concluded by the invoice verification process, during which invoices and credit memos are entered and the contents and prices are checked for accuracy.

29.        Manfaat invoice verification dalam menghubungkan antara
     Invoice verification, therefore, creates a link between Procurement and Accounting. When you enter an invoice with reference to a purchase order, the system suggests data from the purchase order and the goods receipts for the purchase order (for example, vendor, material, quantity still to be invoiced, terms of payment, and so on).

30.       Bagaimana SAP memperingatkan kalau terjadi masalah dengan invoice verification?
    However, payment and evaluation of invoices is not part of invoice verification; the appropriate information for these tasks passes on to other departments.

31.        Jelaskan message sehubungan dengan purchasing documents
     You can issue all purchasing documents as messages. Each time you create an RFQ (Request for quotation), purchase order, contract, or scheduling agreement, the system can create a message from the document affected. This message is then placed in the message queue.

32.       Pilihan-pilihan untuk mengeluarkan message 
     To issue the message (by printing, e-mail, fax, or EDI) from the message queue, you have  the following options:
·         Issue immediately: The system issues the message directly from the queue, in other words, as soon as you save the document.
·         Issue later:
Either you schedule a background job that processes the message queue in determined intervals, or you start the issue directly from the purchasing menu.
As a rule, you issue the messages using the background job and start the issue manually only as an exception (such as for rush orders).

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Inovasi & Kreatifitas - Kewirausahaan

Inovasi adalah mengembangkan ide untuk memecahkan masalah dan merubah ide tersebut menjadi peluang yang bisa diterima oleh pasar.

Peranan inovasi dan kreatifitas: Pengusaha yang dapat menciptakan jenis barang baru akan memberi keuntungan bagi pasar sehingga lebih banyak terdapat pilihan bagi konsumen.
Proses inovasi:
·         Melihat peluang
·         Mengeluarkan ide
·         Mengkaji ide
·         Implementasi

Kreatifitas adalah mengembangkan ide untuk memecahkan maslaah & merubah ide-ide tersebut menjadi peluang.

Berfikir kreatif adalm kewirausahaan , tujuh langkah berfikir kreatif:
·         Preparation (persiapan)
·         Investigation (penyelidikan)
·         Transformastion
·         Incubation
·         Illumination (penerangan)
·         Verification (pengujian)
·         Implementation (implementasi)

Cara membangun kreatifitas:
·         Selalu bertanya
·         Selalu menantang kebiasaan, tradisi, dan kebiasaan rutin
·         Berefleksi, berpikir dalam
·         Berani mermain mental, mencoba untuk melihat masalah dari persfektif yang berbeda
·         Mengkorelasikan ide-ide yang masih samar terhadap masalah untuk menghasilkan pemecahan inovatif
·         Menyadari kemungkinan banyak jawaban daripada satu jawaban yang benar
·         Melihat kegagalan dan kesalahan hanya sebagai jalan untuk mencapai kesuksesan.

Faktor-faktor yang mendukung inovasi dan kreatifitas dalam perusahaan:
·         Motivasi Untuk Kreativitas
·         Kondisi Eksternal yang mendorong perilaku kretivitas, kondisi dari lingkungan secara konstruktif ikut mendorong munculnya kreativitas.

Faktor-faktor yang menghambat inovasi dan kreativitas dalam perusahaan
·         Hambatan Psikologis
·         Hambatan Budaya
·         Hambatan Lingkungan sosial maupun fisik
·         Hambatan Bahasa Berpikir
·         Hambatan Keterpakuan Fungsional

Tantangan untuk mendirikan usaha baru:
·         Masalah eksternal, yaitu lingkungan misalnya banyaknya pesaing dan ukuran peluang pasar.
·         Masalah internal, yaitu masalah yang ada dalam perusahaan, mislanya masalah image atau reputasi perusahaan.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Konsep-Konsep Kewirausahaan

1. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang kewirausahaan?

2. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang wirausaha?

3. Jelaskan tipe-tipe seorang wirausaha!

4. Jelaskan fungsi dan peran kewirausahaan! 

5. Sebutkan pengusaha yang sukses menurut saudara!

6. Jelaskan karakteristik dan nilai-nilai kewirausahaan!

7. Jelaskan  motif wirausaha!

8. Jelaskan proses kewirausahaan!

9. Jelaskan 10 kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang wirausaha!

Jawaban :

1.  Kemampuan seseorang untuk melihat atau menciptakan peluang dan membuat peluang tersebut menjadi sesuatu yang bernilai ekonomis.

2.  Seseorang yang melakukan atau meciptakan lapangan pekerjaan.

3.  Creative & innovative, calculated risk, berani bersaing, pantang menyerah, low profile, berjiwa dan bersikap pemimpin, jujur dan tekun.

4.  Sebagai penemu (inovator) dan sebagai perencana (planner). Sebagai penemu, wirausaha menemukan dan menciptakan produk baru, teknologi dan cara baru, ide-ide baru, dan organisasi usaha baru. Sedangkan sebagai perencana, wirausaha berperan merancang usaha baru, merencanakn strategi perusahaan baru, merencanakan ide-ide dan peluang dalam perusahaan, dan menciptakan organisasi perusahaan baru.

5.  Aburizal Backrie.

6.  Karakteristik :

a. pengambil resiko dan suka tantangan

b. percaya diri

c. kreatif dan inovatif

d. pekerja keras

e. disiplin

f. networking

g. mempunyai visi dan misi ke depan

h. berorientasi pada tugas dan hasil

i. kepemimpinan

Nilai-nilai :

a. commitment

b. moderate risk

c. seeing oppotunities

d. objectivity

e. feedback

f. optimism

g. money

h. proactive management

7.  - need based

     - opportunity based

8.  Kewirausahaan diawali dengan proses imitasi dan publikasi, kemudian berkembang menjadi proses pengembangan, dan berakhir pada adalah proses penciptaan sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda (inovasi).

9.  1. knowing your bussnines

     2. knowing the basic bussines management

     3. knowledge, skill, attitude, having the prepare attitude

     4. having adequate capital

     5. managing finances effectively

     6. managing time efficiently

     7. managing people

     8. satisfying customer by providing high quality product

     9. copying with regulation

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012


Procurement process overview
Procurement in mySAP ERP covers not only trsditional processes such as requisitioning,purchase order management,and invoice verification,but also catalog-based self-service requisitioning for maintenance,repair,and operations (MRO) materials and service

Determination of requirements
Material requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control.You can enter purchase requisitions yourself or they can be generated automatically by the planning and control system.

Source determination
mySAP ERP helps you identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term  

purchase agreements
Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations
The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios,allowing you to compare a number of different quotations.Rejection letters can be sent automatically

Purchase Order Creation
The purchase order adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order

Purchase Order follow-up
The system checks the reminder periods you have specified and,if necessary,automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals.
Goods receiving and inventory management
Goods receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the purchase order number.
Invoice Verification
The system supports the checking and matching of invoices.The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system has access to purchase order and goods receipt data

Purchase order
A purchase order is a formal request to a vendor to supply cartain goods or services under the stated conditions.
When you entere the purchase order data,the system suggests default values. For example,the system suggest the ordering address,as well as the terms of payment and freight (incoterms) from the vendor master record.

Self-service procurement
Self-service Procurement allows employees to create and manage their own requisitions. It relieves your purchasing department of this administrative burder while making the procurement process both faster and more responsive.

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

System-wide Concept : Lesson

1.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Organizational elements dan tujuannya

Organizational Elements
A company;s enterprise structure is mapped to SAP applications using organizational elements

2.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Master data dan tujuannya

Master Data
Created centrally and available to all applications and all authorized users,master data also has an organizational aspect because its information is organized into views that are assigned to organizational elements.

3.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Transaction  dan tujuannya

Transaction are application programs that execute business processes in SAP system.Examples includes create sales order,chage customer master or display a sales order’s list report.

4.        Sebutkan unsur-unsur dari organizational element

Organizational Elements
  • ·         Client
  • ·         Company Code
  • ·         Plant
  • ·         Storage Location
  • ·         Sales Organization
  • ·         Distribution Channel
  • ·         Organizational Unit
  • ·         Position

5.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan client


  • A client is an independent organizational unit.
  • A client is considered synonym for a group.
  • A client is self-contained technical unit.
  • General data & tables used for several organization structure are stored at client level.
  • Client is positioned in the highest level in Enterprise Structure.
  • Several company code can be uniquely assigned to a client.

6.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Company code


  • A Company Code is a legal entity & independent accounting unit.
  • Balance Sheet & Profit & loss account are created at Company Code level.
  • Company Code is organizational unit prepared by FI.
  • Several Company Code can be uniquely assigned to a Client.
  • Several Company Code under same client can have same chart of accounts.

7.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Plant


  • In SD, a Plant represents the location from which material & services are distributed & correspond to a distribution centre. Which is also known as Delivering Plant. The relevant stocks are kept here.
  • In SD, the Plant has a central function:
  • At least one Plant is necessary in order to be able to use SD module.
  • A Plant is uniquely assigned to a Company code.
  • Assignment between Sales organization & Plant is not unique.
  • Delivering Plant is important for determining shipping point.
  • For a Plant to deliver goods to the customers, it must be configured appropriately as a delivering plant in SD customizing.
  • It is possible that a Plant in one company code may have transaction with sales organization in another company code within same client. This is known as *cross company sales.
  • Plant & Storage location are organizational units that can be used by all logistic area in the system.

8.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Storage location


  • In SD, a Plant represents the location from which material & services are distributed & correspond to a distribution centre. Which is also known as Delivering Plant. The relevant stocks are kept here.
  • In SD, the Plant has a central function:
  • At least one Plant is necessary in order to be able to use SD module.
  • A Plant is uniquely assigned to a Company code.
  • Assignment between Sales organization & Plant is not unique.
  • Delivering Plant is important for determining shipping point.
  • For a Plant to deliver goods to the customers, it must be configured appropriately as a delivering plant in SD customizing.
  • It is possible that a Plant in one company code may have transaction with sales organization in another company code within same client. This is known as *cross company sales.
  • Plant & Storage location are organizational units that can be used by all logistic area in the system.

9.        Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Sales organization


  • Sales Organization is an organizational unit of Logistics, which groups the enterprise according to the requirement of Sales & Distribution.
  • Sales Organization distributes goods & services.
  • Sales Organization is liable for sold products, responsible for the customers right of recourse & negotiating sales condition.
  • One or more Sales Organization can be uniquely assigned to a Company Code.
  • Sales Organization can be assigned to one or more plant. This assignment is not unique, so several Sales Organizations can also be assigned to one plant.
  • Each Sales Organization has its own master data, for eg customer & material master data, as well as conditions, pricing & output type.
  • A Sales Organization is the highest level (after the Client) to which sales figure are summed for SD with statistics currency.
  • Sales Organization can be used as selection criteria for listing of sales document, as well as for creating delivery & billing worklist.
  • Different output type can be defined for sales & billing document, for each Sales Organization.
  • Sales Organization is also used to take regional, national, international sub-division of the market into account.

10.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Distribution channel


  • A Distribution Channel is a mean through which saleable material or services reach the customer.
  • A Distribution Channel represents the strategies to distribute goods and / or services to the customers. Eg: wholesale, retail, institutional, etc.
  • Distribution Channel can be assigned to one or more Sales Organization.
  • Same customer can be served through one or more Distribution Channel, within a Sales Organization.
  • Distribution Channel can be set as per company's marketing strategies or internal organization.
  • Master data can vary (Customer & material Master data, Prices, discounts / surcharge, output type, etc) for each Sales Organization & Distribution Channel, i.e, within Distribution Channel master data can be defined separately.
  • Master data created for one Distribution Channel can also be used in other Distribution Channel.
  • Different sales document type can be defined for Distribution Channel.
  • Sales Office can be assigned to Distribution Channel.
  • Items in a delivery & billing documents can belong to different Distribution Channel.
  • Distribution Channel can be used as selection criteria for creating lists.

11.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Organizational unit


  • Division represents a product line or grouping of materials or services.
  • Division can be assigned to one or more sales organization.
  • Division can be assigned to one or more distribution channels.
  • Material always belongs to only one Division.
  • Master data can vary from Division to Division.
  • Different Division can share same master data, if shared master data is created.
  • Sales Office can be assigned to Division .
  • In sales document type, if Item Division is not activated, it will accept material from the Division at header level only & if material at item level is from different Division from header level, the same is not accepted.
  • Item in delivery or billing can belong to different Division.
  • Division can be used as selection criteria in sales document & also for creating delivery worklist.
  • Different output type can be used for printing sales document for each Division.

12.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Position

Positions are the individual employee assignments in the enterprise

13.    Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan IDES

   IDES (International Demonstration and Educational System) is an international company dependent upon collaborations with external business partners and a global outlook.
   IDES AG is a manufacturing company.It operetes worldwide and has a number of subsidiaries.This company’s processes are using during this training corse to demonstrate the solutions provided by SAP
   As a model company,IDES has a large number of business branches and branch-specific subsidiaries.Business processes are fully set up and include all core areas,such as purchasing,sales,marketing,and manufacturing.
   As an international company,IDES has several holdings and requires the ability to report to shareholders on an international bases.Management’s goal over the next year is to increase profits.Costing analysis reports,cash management reports,and overhead cost reports are to be captured to a business intelligence system for management review
   IDES AG produces many products.Products are manufactured at a number of production locations worldwide.Global planning ensures that deliveries are made from the nearest distribution center.

14.   Hubungan master data dengan aplikasi yang ada di SAP

System-Wide Master Data Concept
   In SAP,master data is created centrally and available to all applications and all authorized users.Centrally stored master data means data records are always consistent,up-to –date,and free redundancy.Master data also has an organizational aspect because its information is organized into views that are assigned to organizational elements.
   Integrating of corresponding data into one single database objects means that the problem of data redundancy is not an issue and data inetgrity enhanced.All areas can use the stored data,including sales,purchasing,inventory management,materials planning,invoice verification,finance,and human resources

15.   Sifat master data

Master data also has an organizational aspect because its information is organized into views that are assigned to organizational elements.
   Integrating of corresponding data into one single database objects means that the problem of data redundancy is not an issue and data inetgrity enhanced.

16.   Sebutkan data yang disimpan dalam master data
sales,purchasing,inventory management,materials planning,invoice verification,finance,and human resources

17.   Jelaskan isi dari customer master data

Costumer Master
   A costumer master contains key information that defines the business relationship between a company and its costumer.Company code data controls the posting procedure and subsequent processing,such as payments and dunning.Sales organization data provides information on costumers for support execution of such business processes as entering sales orders,shipping,billing,and processing payment.

18.   Jelaskan tiga struktur dalam customer master

The costumer master;s three part structure is represented by:
1.       General Data: This data is equally relevant to every company code and every sales organization within a company
2.       Data for Company Codes: This data reflects company-specific agreements with costumer.
3.       Data for Sales : This data has different characteristics for a company’s sales organizations and channels.

19.   Jelaskan material master

Material Master
   The material master contains all of the key information a company needs to manage a material within its organization.The material master defines,among other things,how a product is sold,manufactured,purchased,inventoried,accounted,and costed.The information in the material master is grouped into views that are organized business function.

20.   Jelaskan personnel file

Personnel file
   Personnel files are master data records used primarily mySAP ERP Human Capital management.These master records follow the same basic three-part structure,as do other master records.
The organizational elements used by mySAP HCM are unique and,as a group,they are referred to as Organizational Management.
   The functions of Organizational Management enable you to quickly and efficienctly map your current organizational and reporting structure with its organizational objects-organizational units,jobs,positions,and task.

21.   Jelaskan isi dari personnel file

These master records follow the same basic three-part structure,as do other master records.
The organizational elements used by mySAP HCM are unique and,as a group,they are referred to as Organizational Management.
   The functions of Organizational Management enable you to quickly and efficienctly map your current organizational and reporting structure with its organizational objects-organizational units,jobs,positions,and task.

22.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan organizational unit
Describe the various business units that exist in enterprise

23.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Jobs
Jobs serve as descriptions, or templates, that apply to several position

24.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Positions
Positions are the individual employee assignment in the enterprise

25.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Persons
Persons hold positions within the organizational structure

26.   Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan transaction
Transactions are application programs that execute business processes in the SAP system

27.   Bagaimana hubungan antara transaksi dengan dokumen 
Whenever a transaction is executed in the system, a documen is created